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Home » Business And Management » Are Humans Contributing To Climate Change?

Are Humans Contributing To Climate Change?

Climate change is happening because of man. The scientific evidence is undeniable and anyone but the most stubborn eristics would be hard fought to disagree. The human influence on climate change is by increased use of fossil fuels, deforestation, increasingly intensive agriculture and large-scale livestock farming, all of which are required to support a spiraling global population.

Over the last decade, governments and policy makers have finally begun taking some positive action to mitigate climate change. Many scientists, activists and the environmentally aware would argue, however, that the steps being taken are too little, too late. Many would also point out that all we are really doing (collectively as a species) is attempting to stick a small bandaid over a large open wound.

climate change problems

Experts that are prepared to address the sensitive issue of overpopulation claim that the world’s climate crisis calls for non-emissions-based solutions and, furthermore, that contraception is an overlooked approach. Population Council experts claim that improved access to birth control could slow population growth and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 40%.

Making contraception and health education more universally accessible, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, seems to be an approach largely ignored when it comes to tackling climate change.

Whilst the religious and moral arguments may be widespread and emotional ones, they must surely be balanced against the greater needs of the planet as a whole. If we are to tackle climate change effectively, and before it is too late, then human population growth must be slowed.