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How to Host a Wine Tasting Event

Hosting wine tasting is a great reason to meet friends, learn about wine, and have fun while doing it. The United States today is the most important market for wine and one of the top three countries for total wine consumption. Wine is no longer a mysterious drink for rich wine drinkers and young adventurers that stimulate growth. Wine is not just drunk, this is an experience. And what kind of way to try wine rather than set tasting?

The first step in planning any event is to choose a date. Get your tentacles by telling a number of important guests about your plan. Because you drink wine, it's best to have your event on Friday or Saturday. When planning a big party, you also need to choose a place. You can consider online wine certificate to host wine tasting events professionaly.

Hosting events at home gives you great flexibility when it comes to the type of taste you want. The pleasant choice tastes blind, where every guest or couple carries a bottle or two of wine. When guests arrive, the host wraps each bottle in a paper bag and writes a number on the outside with a black marker.  

Another popular way for wine tasting is to have two or more wines for every variation of wine. The guests can then feel two wines side by side and compare differences in taste due to harvest (year of wine harvested) or name (where wine is planted). If you plan to host this type of event, it is best to choose in advance so that every guest brings a glass of wine from a certain type or name.

To ensure a successful night, you need to prepare first. Make sure you have a glass of wine ready for each guest. It's always a good idea to have a clear plastic cup or mug available if you run out of something. Don't use a separate cup because they are too big, but also make sure they are not too small. Plastic glasses or plastic champagne glasses are often very small and can cause major problems when drinking wine, including spills and the inability to move.