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What is field service?

Field service is a type of customer service that businesses offer to their customers. It is a process whereby a business provides its customers with services that they need, such as fixing their car or installing new windows. 

Businesses use field service to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Plant & Field Service  also helps businesses save money by providing them with services that the customers can do themselves, rather than hiring a professional. 

Some businesses also use field service to attract new customers. When a customer sees a business offering field service, it makes the customer more likely to visit the business again. Field service is a growing market, with more than $200 billion spent on it. Specifically, field service is the service provided by a business to customers in their own surrounding area. 

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Historically, however, field service was not treated as an important marketing strategy for businesses. However, changes in marketplace and consumer behavior have led many of today's companies to reevaluate their approach to this type of business practices. Businesses understand that they need to provide more services and products to their customers if they are going to increase customer loyalty and profits. 

Providing employees with training in how to respond properly when customers call after hours is one way that businesses can improve customer satisfaction and gain new sales opportunities.