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Urban Planner – Social Impacts on the Urban Environment

Urban planning has always been a complex and ever-evolving field. In recent years, though, the social impacts of the urban environment have taken on a greater role in discussions around city planning. These social impacts can be divided into three main categories: economic, social, and environmental. 

The economic impacts of the topmost urban planning firms can be seen in the way that cities and metropolitan areas can impact the economy at large. For example, research has shown that dense urban cores where more people live and work within close proximity to each other can stimulate growth in nearby businesses and industries.

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Conversely, sprawl a form of development characterized by dispersed residential areas and commercial districts has been linked with slower economic growth. 

The social impacts of urban planning are often seen as more important than economic ones. For example, research has shown that living in a densely populated area can lead to increased levels of social connectedness and solidarity within communities. In addition, living in a city or metropolitan area can also provide opportunities for people to meet new friends and develop new relationships. 

Urban planning is the process of designing and managing cities and towns, their built environment, infrastructure, and resources. Urban planning has social impacts because it affects not just the physical environment but also how people live, work, and play.

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the social implications of urban planning. For example, some have argued that certain city planning decisions such as the construction of large housing developments in suburban areas have negative impacts on social cohesion within communities.