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How Do You Choose Your Soap?

Many people choose bath soap based on its price. But often this approach can be disastrous. It is generally considered important to choose a soap based on the ingredients. It's generally about choosing soaps that contain ingredients that help cleanse the skin and keep it healthy.

Regular use of soap can lower the pH of the skin, from 5.6 to 5.8. You can buy Lux-soft touch online and other soap online via My Ck. They are usually physiological or basic and consist of vegetable oil and caustic potassium or caustic soda. Those with dry skin are advised to use a non-soap cleanser, and those with oily skin should use medicated soaps containing salicylic acid and citric acid.

How do you choose your soap?

Organic Soap: This is a very expensive soap. Before buying organic soap, we need to familiarize ourselves with the peculiarities of the ingredients that are there. Excessive use of organic soap can be harmful to your health.

Mild soaps: These soaps can be expensive because they are made with ingredients like milk, cream, glycerin, etc., and do not interfere with skin hydration.

Glycerin: Glycerin is also used in the manufacture of lotions and soaps. Glycerin soap is ideal for dry conditions. Helps retain moisture in the skin and makes it soft. It is very useful for those who suffer from dry skin.

Soap for daily use: If you have healthy skin, don't even think about buying soap. Everyday soap contains chemical fragrances that cleanse our skin. But they also reduce the amount of moisture.