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Everything You Should Know About Lip Balm

In cold and dry weather, we often suffer from dry and chapped lips caused by a lack of moisture in the lips, which can also be a result of the loss of moisture absorption capacity of the skin and lips. 

To solve this problem, lip balms were developed to help people keep their lips moisturized. You can also check for the best cbd lip balm in UK via the web.

Orange lip balm

Image Source: Google

However, not all types of lip balms are effective at helping our lips stay moisturized, as some have been proven to not work at all, including some of the most popular lip balm products. 

One of them is lip balm or oil-based lip balm, one of the main ingredients of which is petroleum jelly. This is because this type of lip balm is proven to only provide a temporary way to moisturize the lips because it does not increase the ability to absorb moisture from the lips.

There are alternatives to oil-based lip balms that have proven effectiveness in keeping lips moist. This is a shea butter lip balm. This type of lip balm is more effective than petroleum-based lip balms because shea butter helps increase the moisture retention capacity of lip skin cells. 

On the other hand, oil-based lip balms keep the surface of the lips moisturized, which makes them a poor solution for temporary relief.