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Tag Archives: cracked or leaky basement wall repairs

How to Choose the Best Basement Foundation Contractor In Milwaukee

If your basement is leaking and needs repairs, you'll want to find a contractor who is experienced in this area. If you're considering repairing your own basement foundation, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First and foremost, make sure you choose the right contractor. Second, be prepared to invest some time and money in the project. And finally, be sure to get a thorough inspection before starting any work.

Here are some tips to help you choose the cracked or leaky basement wall repairs contractor: 

1. Research the contractor's past work. Look at their online portfolio or contact them directly to ask for references. Make sure the references are satisfied customers and not just people who have something good to say about the contractor.

2. Ask questions. Be sure to ask about the contractor's experience with basement foundation repair, what materials they will use, how long it will take them to complete the job, and any warranties that they may offer.

3. Ask for a proposal. Before hiring the contractor, request a proposal that includes a detailed breakdown of what will be done, costs, and a time frame for completion. You'll also want to make sure that all necessary permits have been obtained and that the proposed work meets your specific needs.

4. Get a signed contract. Once you've decided to hire the contractor, get them to sign a contract that details the specifics of the job including payment terms and timelines.