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Tag Archives: disability accessible pools

Why You Need A Pool Lift

If you run a small hospitality business such as a guesthouse or even a large recreational facility and you want to offer swimming to your customers, you need to consider accessibility for people with disabilities.  

Pool lifts are very affordable and don't require much maintenance, but they can open up a whole new market for your business. You can also visit to buy best disability pool lift.

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Things to Consider: 

Of course, there are a few things you need to consider when choosing a pool lift. Consider whether you want a fixed or portable lift. Is it better to use batteries or water? Is the children's pool being used that you may need to secure the lift to prevent them from playing in it? 

What are the benefits of swimming for people with disabilities?

Water is often the only place where people with disabilities can feel independent. There are also many physical benefits that swimming brings. These benefits include:

  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Low-impact activities that don't stress joints
  • Water-resistance increases muscle strengthening
  • Increase the level of self-confidence and self-confidence

It's worth considering installing a pool lift as regulations introduced in March 2012 state that you must have an elevator or sloped entrance to any commercial swimming pool. So you need to make sure that you follow these rules and a pool lift is probably the easiest way to do it.