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Eco-friendly Promo Items That Should be Used

While promotional items are an effective way to market a business, they can also be wasteful and dangerous for the environment. Promoting your business with environmentally friendly items is a great way to get more publicity and reach new clients.

It is also a good idea to use environmentally friendly cutlery when hosting events. If you don’t have one, you can buy these eco-friendly cutlery sets bypopping over to this website(also known as ‘dukker innom denne nettsiden ’ in the Norwegian language). 

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You only need to purchase one set of these cutlery sets to be used in each event. The knives, forks, and spoons can all be taken home after the event and cleaned up to be stored for future events. This reduces the need to use disposable plastic eating utensils and can help you save money over the long term.

As promotional giveaways, make sure you choose products that can be reused and are practical. An example of this is a logo-branded stainless steel sports bottle. It is both hygienic, and reusable. This allows users to reduce the number of plastic bottles they throw away. It is eco-friendly to give promotional items such as pens, travel cups, numbers, and other reusable items. 

Second, ensure that all promotional stationery items are made of recycled materials. It's a great idea to give away notebooks, business cards holders, and portfolios. These products can be attractive and appealing, which can help you attract customers to your business with promotional items.

Sporting events require promotional items such as caps and tee shirts made from recycled materials. For tournaments, promotional golf balls can be recycled and printed with your logo. To save money and the planet, try to find safe and environmentally-friendly alternatives to products used in sports or other sponsored events.