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An Introduction To Fence Panels

Fences usually consist of segments or panels, not a single section surrounding the perimeter. Fence panels can be made of wood, metal, vinyl, concrete, or other composite materials. Each panel has a vertical or horizontal plank on the outside and two or more joists holding them together. Splitting the fence into components (or kits) that are sold separately provides a greater degree of installation flexibility.

You can browse this website to know more about the fence panel. Typical fence panels are 5 to 8 feet long. To determine the number of panels you need, you must first focus on the standard length of the panels. You then measure the number of feet of the enclosed perimeter and divide by the length of each panel. 

The posts are installed at intervals along the panels (e.g. one post every 8 feet) and each post is centered between the panels, which are usually secured with lag screws – although some metal posts are pre-punched for ease of installation.

Fence panels for residential use are usually made of some type of wood, vinyl, or metal. Wood fence panels are a common choice. Not only is it cheap to buy ready-made, but the idea of assembling it from scratch is great. Fir, redwood and cedar are the most weather-resistant. Wood is an ideal choice for garden fencing. 

While vinyl is a bit more expensive on the front, it costs much less to maintain because it doesn't warp, scratch, or become atmospheric when it rains. Vinyl fence panels can also be purchased in a variety of colors that do not require additional painting.