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Reasons to Buy an iPad Tablet – You Decide If It’s Right for You

There was a lot of talk about the iPad launching earlier this month. Why buy an iPad when you have a trustworthy iPod or iPhone? Alright, we'll let you decide if you need an iPad or not. This article will tell you reasons why you can take out your wallet and do wholesale ipad purchase for business.

Apple iPad (8th-gen, 2020) review: The best iPad value by far - CNET

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1. Hello bloggers! If you enjoy blogging and posting regularly on the go, this new tablet is definitely worth a look. It's lightweight and has a nice touchscreen that you can use to write to your heart's content. Does it make sense to carry an iPad instead of a heavier notebook?

2. Internet connection. The iPad gives you instant internet access. You have access to the network from anywhere. Again, this is great for simplicity's sake, especially if you use the network a lot on the go. You will love the Safari browser browser options.

3. E-readers with something more. If we find one thing in analyzing the iPad's capabilities over other audiobook readers like the Amazon Kindle or iPod, it's that Apple's newest tablet offers digital comic reading. Kindles and iPods can't read comics.

4. Cost. Do you think that Apple products come at a high price? Well, think again. The iPad is affordable. You can get a 16GB WiFi tablet for $600.

5. Cool to take pictures. If you enjoy taking photos and have a camera accessory, you can present your photos on the go. The tablet features great colors and graphics, so you can be sure that your images will look incredibly sharp.