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Christian Meditation In 5 Easy Steps

The idea of meditation is to create a deeper understanding of yourself. You can gain this understanding through reflection and concentration. Christian meditation is described as an innate conversation with God. Just open your mind through prayer and fellowship with God.

The first Christian monks were the ones who started Christian meditation. You will ponder the meaning and message of a passage or verse from the Bible. This form of meditation is called "divine reading" and is one of the first known types of Christian meditation. You can also know more about christian mediation via

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When Christian monks contemplate the scriptures, they find that they have thoughts about God and His holiness. They call this act contemplation and even lead them to speak to God through prayer.

This immediately led to Saint Teresa of Avila establishing the "5 R" method for Christian meditation. "5 R" means: finish, read, ponder, answer, and solve. It is known that these steps lead a person to turn one's full attention to God.


To be "ready" you must prepare your mind to recognize God's presence. This can be achieved by reflecting on and understanding your devotion, faith, and love for God. Have a clear plan and purpose for your meditation time and seek God's forgiveness for your sins.

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This step is very simple: read a verse or passage from the Bible and think about it. Really think about what that piece means to you, or how it might wrap up your everyday life.


Focus your thoughts on the passage and how it can answer the questions in your life. Lead your thoughts into deep contemplation.


Start your conversation with God. At this 5R point, you need to have a clear idea of what that passage means to you and some important questions to ask God. Talk to God as openly as you would your friends.


Just as you usually thank a friend for listening and spending time with you, thank God for spending time with you. Know everything He has given you and everything you have learned from your meditation time.