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How to Effectively Use Pallets When Loading Vehicles or Containers in Sydney

Wooden pallets are used for effective consolidation of packages, packaging, and fastening of goods during transportation from abroad. The effectiveness of the pallet lies in the possibility of their reuse, universality, low cost (pallets are made of any species of low-quality wood, which ensures accessibility without loss of physical characteristics).

Pallets can significantly simplify and speed up the process of loading and unloading certain types of goods, as well as increase safety when delivered.

You can buy custom built pallets at Cooperage Pallets & Boxes in Sydney

A pallet is a flat stand for rectangular and other types of cargo. It provides bottom slots for fork loader and protrusions for slings provided for moving on weight. Pallets are used in freight traffic, through which they form enlarged cargo units. CCU represents a certain amount of goods held together in some way and are used to speed up the loading and unloading operations.

Types of pallets

There are several types of pallets, and one of the most common is the euro pallet. Standard euro pallets are 1200x800x145. The upper part consists of 5 boards: 3 wide (145 mm), 2 narrow (100 mm), alternating in width.

The lower part consists of three boards: two narrows on the sides, wide in the middle. There is a pallet on 9 legs, the extreme ones have dimensions of 78x100x145 mm, medium ones – 78x145x145 mm.

The dimensions of standard euro pallets correspond to the internal dimensions of the containers. On the right legs of the pallets, there is necessarily the EUR brand mark in the oval.