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What Makes A Great Product Packaging?

If you're in the manufacturing industry you know importance of having a great image is crucial in your company's growth.

There is a myriad of opinions on what constitutes an excellent brand and how to differentiate your business from your competitors. One thing is for certain. Your brand's seal pouches packaging plays an important role in the consumer's purchase decision.

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Take a moment to think over the most recent time that you bought an item from a store display. What was the reason you decided to buy that item?

I believe it's reasonable to say that apart from the price and product what enticed you to first purchase the item has been to do with branding, appearance, and the message printed on the packaging.

A well-known brand along with a beautiful and well-designed box, and text that speaks clearly and clearly to the consumer's particular needs and desires is more than likely to entice users to buy your product.

Here's the deal…if your business isn't selling directly to consumers before getting your product on the shelves of retail stores, you need to convince the owner of the store or purchaser of your items worthy of placing on their shelves. 

In essence, you're trying to impress an owner of a retail store or buyer as well as the customer which is a difficult task given the number of competing products that are constantly competing for space on shelves. On average, consumers take just 2.6 minutes to come to their mind whether they want to buy an item or choose not to.