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Physical Therapy For Temporomandibular Joint Disorder In Edmonton

TMD or Temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction is a condition that affects the natural functions of your jaw. It can cause problems with chewing and opening your mouth.

Sometimes, it is incorrectly called "TMJ", which refers to the name of the particular joint. TMD is more common in women than it is in men, and most commonly diagnosed in people aged 20-40 years. If you’re looking to get tmj dysfunction physical therapy in Edmonton then visit

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It can cause a variety of problems, including poor posture, chronic jaw grinding, poor alignment of teeth, fracture, or conditions like lockjaw. Lockjaw is a condition where the muscles around your jaw contract and limit the ability of your mouth to open.

TMD sufferers can get help from physical therapists to ease their pain and regain normal jaw movement. They also reduce the stress that they face every day.

Movement experts are physical therapists. Physical therapists improve the quality of your life by providing hands-on care, education and prescribed movement. For a free evaluation, you can call a physical therapist.

Physical therapy is an important part of TM joint surgery recovery, because it helps reduce scar tissue formation and muscle tightness.

Some physical therapy techniques could include:

  • Jaw exercises can be used to strengthen your jaw muscles and increase flexibility.
  • The jaw can be improved by heat therapy.
  • Ice therapy is used to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Massage can be used to ease muscle tension.
  • Correct jaw alignment and posture training.
  • This is a mild electric current applied to the skin above the jaw joint. The body's pain signals are disrupted by this electrical current. TENS reduces muscle tension, improves blood circulation and relieves pain. Although TENS effectiveness varies, it does seem to work for some people.
  • Ultrasound therapy uses high-frequency sound waves directed at the TM joint to reduce swelling and pain, and increase circulation.