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What Are the Options for Health Insurance as a Travel Nurse?

Choosing a health insurance plan can be challenging to navigate. Comparing costs, coverage, and options can be overwhelming. Travel nurses should understand all options when choosing the plan that's best for them.

As a travel nurse, you can also refer to to explore travel nurse insurance options.

There are two main options for travel nurses to choose from:

  • Agency-provided health insurance
  • Individual (private) health insurance

1. Agency-Provided Health Insurance

Many travel nursing agencies offer health insurance to their nurses. For example, some agencies offers medical, dental, and vision coverage that's effective on day one of your assignment. Choosing insurance provided by your agency means you don't have to worry about finding your own coverage or deal with the hassle of shopping around. 

However, most agencies only cover nurses during their contracts. If you work with multiple travel nursing agencies, simultaneously navigating health insurance can be complicated and overwhelming. Nurses who change agencies often or choose to take extended periods off between contracts may want to consider another option for insurance.

2. Individual (Private) Insurance

Individual or private health insurance is a great option for many travel nurses. These plans offer flexibility, and there are no gaps in coverage. If you decide to take a few months off, you won't need to worry about losing your health insurance before taking another assignment.