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Benefits Of Rideshare In South Florida?

Traffic not only annoys drivers, it is a danger to public health and bad news for the economy.

Studies estimate the annual cost of congestion at $160 billion, which includes 7 billion hours lost in traffic and an additional 3 billion gallons of fuel consumed.

One way to improve transportation is ride-sharing.  A  new MIT study suggests ride-sharing options from reputed companies.  If you are looking for the best carpools in South Florida visit .

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Instead of transporting people individually, drivers can transport two to four people at a time, making fewer trips in less time for the same amount of money.

There are a few good reasons why sharing a ride is a good choice:

1.It is very expensive to own and maintain a car. If you don't travel often, save money by using a ride-sharing service. You only need to pay for the trip. You don't have to worry about car payments, insurance, parking fees, gas, maintenance fees, etc. With the prices of new and used cars soaring, it's no wonder some people are turning to travel sharing instead of owning a car.

2.Travel sharing is more convenient than using public transportation. You don't have to walk to the nearest train station or bus stop. Plus, you'll get rid of clutter you don't need. Your payment information is already stored in the Travel Sharing application. You just need to open the app and book a car and the driver will pick you up wherever you are. Easy as that.

3.Sharing journeys creates jobs. Many drivers can choose their own hours and earn a decent income taking people around.

4.The ride sharing service is available 24/7. Many bus and train services operate at certain times. Sometimes people have no choice but to use a ride-sharing service. The demand for travel sharing services will remain, especially between midnight and dawn.

These are the number of reasons why we should adapt the share ride options and how it can save a lot of money and be economical for the enviroment.