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Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder can be described as impulsive, unstable moods and difficult relationships. People with a borderline personality disorder often have paranoid thoughts, or feel "numb" and "spacey." They often experience severe mood swings and are often unsure about their identity or self-image.

BPD sufferers report that their condition can affect many aspects of their lives, including relationships, work, and health. Many sufferers feel empty, so they will often cut or burn themselves to feel something. Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder can be used as an effective treatment. Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. developed it.

This type of psychotherapy uses cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindful awareness. Cognitive therapy is a treatment that focuses on thoughts, beliefs, and actions. This therapy is the first to show results in treating Borderline Personality Disorder.

Dr. Lineman believes that BPD stems from a combination of emotional instability as a child and poor emotional regulation. Dialectical behavior therapy aims to help patients learn ways to cope with emotional swings, and how to decrease them.

Dialectical behavior therapy is used to treat BPD patients. It helps the patient learn skills to regulate emotions and reduce symptoms of borderline personality disorder. The treatment includes several components.

The treatment includes supervision by therapists who provide support, individual therapy to help patients understand the reasons for treatment, and training to improve their abilities to deal with emotions and feelings. The patient learns to express their feelings, manage relationships, deal with upsetting situations, and how to be a part of everyday life.