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Protecting Your Health: Why Asbestos Removal is a Priority

 removal in Newcastle asbestos

Courtesy – umweltbundesamt

Asbestos poses plenty of health risks, so it is very important for you to get rid of it in time. You need to understand the importance of asbestos removal for safeguarding your health and the well-being of your loved ones.

Respiratory diseases

When you are exposed to asbestos fibers for a long time, it can lead to severe respiratory diseases like lung cancer. These diseases have a long latency term means the symptoms might not appear until several years after the initial exposure. So you need to hire experts offering asbestos removal in Newcastle.

Preventing fiber release

Asbestos-containing materials can release microscopic fibers when damaged or disturbed. These fibers can become airborne and easily inhaled or ingested. Removing hazardous materials helps in minimizing the chances of fiber release by reducing the risk of exposure to hazardous particles.

Protecting occupants and workers

Buildings or homes having asbestos pose a lot of risk to people and workers. You might be exposed to asbestos fibers through routine activities, while workers involved in maintenance or innovations would also face a higher risk of exposure. By removing asbestos, you can create a safe environment for everyone while reducing the likelihood of health complications.

Legal and regulatory compliance

Several jurisdictions have strict regulations regarding asbestos management and removal. Failing to comply with all these regulations can result in legal consequences. By focusing on asbestos removal, you can ensure compliance with local laws demonstrating your commitment to safety and responsible management.

Peace of mind

When you know that asbestos has been safely removed from your surroundings, you can have a piece of mind. It helps you get rid of the constant worry of potential exposure and the associated health risks. It allows you to focus on other elements of your life and work without the looming concern of the disease.

Asbestos and Home Inspections: What to Expect and How to Prepare

asbestos in Newcastle inspection

Courtesy – mesothelioma

Looking forward to buying or selling, it is essential to include asbestos inspection as a part of the regular inspection process. Asbestos is a hazardous material commonly found in older homes and poses health risks if they are damaged or disturbed.

Engage qualified asbestos inspector.

You need to hire a qualified expert for asbestos inspection in Newcastle who specializes in home inspections. You need to look for certifications and experience in conducting asbestos assessments.  the professional asbestos expert will have the knowledge and tools to identify potential as mistress-containing materials.

Visual assessment

The inspector will conduct an assessment of your house, examining areas where asbestos is currently found. They will look for some signs of damage deterioration or fibers.

Material sampling

If the visual assessment indicates the presence of any potential materials, the inspector might collect materials for laboratory analysis. Most of these samples will be carefully collected following proper protocols to reduce fiber release. The samples will be sent to the laboratory for analysis to confirm the presence of asbestos. 

Communicate with the Inspector

It would be best if you communicated openly with the inspector providing any relevant information about the construction potential asbestos-containing materials in the house. Inform them about any areas or previous asbestos-related activities.

Know the Symptoms of Asbestosis and How to Get Relief

Newcastle asbestos inspection

Asbestos exposure causes pulmonary fibrosis disease called asbestosis. When exposed to the fibres, they get inhaled, get submitted to the lung tissue, and manifest there. The body can’t easily dislodge and expel these straight and sharp fibres. And when they stay in the body for a long time, these fibres can lead to inflammation, scarring, and irritation.


Symptoms of asbestosis start developing 20-30 years after exposure. Face or neck swelling, swallowing difficulties, blood in sputum, high BP, weight/appetite loss, and hypertension are some of the symptoms.

Fibrosis or lung scarring causes these symptoms that cause inflammation to the lungs over time, reducing the capacity of carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange. Shortness of breath is caused by the thickening of the pleural and the lining of the lungs.

Asbestos exposure and development can cause various other situations as well. It happens because it stops the lungs from properly oxygenating the blood, marking it harder for the heart to work. This, in turn, increases blood pressure and builds up fluid around your lungs and heart. Another by-product is swelling in the face and neck which causes trouble with swallowing.


As there is no remedy for asbestos, doctors recommend various treatment choices to assist in relieving symptoms. Options include meditation to ease pain and coughing, antibiotics, supplemental oxygen, inhalers, palliative treatment, pulmonary rehabilitation, lifestyle adjustments, and lung transplant.

However, the best approach to avoid such problems is the prevention of exposure to the fibres. That’s why asbestos inspection in Newcastle is recommended before the renovation, buying a new property, or if you suspect asbestos around.