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Many Uses Of The Avocado

The majority of us are familiar with avocados, but few would be able to resist this unusual fruit, and even though its uses are confined to Mexican dishes on most tablets, it's always seemed to be welcomed. 

It is typically served as a garnish for the taquitos but is often served as a dip that we call Guacamole which is essentially crushed avocado mingled with fresh salsa. Avocado can be utilized as a vegetable however, it is a fruit, of course, and has a distinct, strong, and spicy flavor. You can also pop over to this site to find an avocado online shop.

It's also fantastic in salads made from fresh produce that are blended with a vinaigrette for an incredibly flavorful thickener or cut into pieces as garnish. It can also be utilized to add flavor and a healthy source of protein to hamburgers and sandwiches. Avocado is sometimes cut and eaten in sashimi. It is also used as a component in California sushi rolls.

Unfortunately, the list is pretty much over as avocados react badly to the cooking of any kind. Their taste becomes unpleasant and their texture is sloppy and their meats turn an unappetizing dark brown when exposed to any type of cooking temperatures. 

However, for cooks like myself, there are plenty of ways to experiment with avocados, particularly for luncheon food. Why not wrap them with freshly cut prosciutto or lettuce, then dip them into a Parmesan vinaigrette? I can think of spicy cold coleslaw recipes that would be a perfect match for avocados as well, and a cold gazpacho is an obvious option as well.