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What Is Involved in the Web Design Process?

A website is made up of many different parts, and each part takes considerable consideration on the part of the web designer or developer to bring to fruition. 

Web design is the procedure of developing and creating a website. A good website designer paves the way to a great-looking eCommerce site and a team that can follow through by bringing visitors and orders. You can also get more information about the best web design in Joliet via

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There are few general phases to the web design process:


The research stage of a web design begins when the client approaches the designer with a request for a new website. The initial meeting between web designer and client allows for a design brief to be made, outlining the requirements for the website design and determining the intended audience.


This stage may take some time, as frequent consultation between the web page designer and client is necessary to achieve a web page design that pleases everyone. Consideration of the target audience is very important during the design phase.


The web design must then be maintained throughout its life to ensure it attracts viewers. Regularly updated content is the best way to encourage repeated views to your site, and clients can easily update their websites with inbuilt Content Management Systems (CMS). SEO is another ongoing practice that encourages increased traffic to a website.