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Blender Reviews and Buying Advice

Utilize this blender purchasing guide that will assist you to find the best blender for all your culinary activities.


When you are exploring blenders, pay particular attention to what substances the foundation and equipment assembly are made from. Blenders with these parts made from plastic and have a tendency to acquire lower marks for durability. Stainless steel and other metal-based blenders hold up better over time.  Therefore, you can opt for the best stainless steel blender for heavy-duty purposes. 

Blender Jar

The type of jar that the blender includes (glass, plastic, polycarbonate or metal) also results in how long your blender is going to be of very good support. Above all, pay attention to the warranty that comes with your blender just as you would with a more expensive purchase. Some manufacturers may offer only six months, while others offer up to six years of protection.


Not all blenders are created equal and the way manufacturers advertise this is with wattage claims. Countertop blender wattage can range from 300 to 1,500 watts, but this isn't as important as they'd have you think. While it's true that the more wattage a blender has, the better it can work with hard substances like ice or large quantities of nuts, if you won't be using your blender for those things, you don't need to pay for the extra power.