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How to Clean Stainless Steel?

The most common question about stainless steel is how often we clean stainless steel? And how to clean? The answer is simple for the first question that can be cleaned every time it’s dirty to maintain the original appearance. The second question requires an explanation that will be explained below.

Many types of  Stainless steels (which is also known as “ประตูน้ำสแตนเลส” in the Thai Language)is very corrosion resistant but can withstand high damage. Stainless steel contains 10% chromium, this chromium creates a shield called a passive layer, which protects stainless steel from corrosion.

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Industry ranging from analytical laboratories to the oil & gas industry must pay the right attention to clean and maintain stainless steel. Cleaning stainless steel in some industries can be as simple as blowing the surface with temporary compressed air in other industries such as GC chromatography, it is important to evaluate the solvent must be removed correctly if it won’t cause negative results.

Cleaning method for stainless steel

Stainless steel is easy to clean, washing with soap or mild detergent and warm water followed by clean water rinse is usually quite suitable for household appliances. Where stainless steel becomes very dirty with signs of colour changes needed by the right cleaning method. Below shows a different method for cleaning stainless steel.

Use a soft nylon brush to remove the accumulation of dirt
Wash with mild soap or detergent
Follow with clean water rinse
Clean dry with a soft cloth or air blower

Stainless steel care and maintenance may require the use of harmful chemicals. Make sure the personal protective equipment is used to follow the guidelines for health and safety.