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Introduction to Dichroic Glass and Fused Glass Jewelry

Dichroic glass, commonly called dichro for short, is a glass that bends light to reflect color like a prism forming a rainbow. I'll give you a hint of how it's pronounced (dye-crow-ick) because I certainly didn't get it right the first time I tried it.

The unique feature of this glass is that it does not use dye, paint, or any other type of tint to create a unique coloration. It is composed of multiple microlayers of metal oxides that provide the ability to reflect colors. You may buy CBS Dichroic quarter sheets for bigger projects as they are very economical.

Some say the NASA contractor gets credit for developing the dichroic glass because it is used in a dichroic filter. It is quite surprising to think that the glass that we can use to make jewelry can also be made into something that is adapted for use in satellite mirrors in 1990.

Dichroic glass is similar to the Italian Murano glass-making process and has been used in Italian-style ornaments for hundreds of years. I do not know exactly when it became popular in our country to be used in jewelry that only in the last decade seems to be increasingly popular.

One of the reasons I think it is very popular for jewelry making is that the process used to make glass is because no two pieces are alike.