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Three Steps To Integrate Talent Management

Companies must have a global talent strategy to ensure that the right talent is available at the right time in order to profit from global business opportunities.

Step 1 – Who's who?

You will first need to identify the location of the talent management function within your organization. Also, you'll need to identify the key players. Although this may seem simple, it can prove difficult in large MNCs with a matrix workforce. 

The ideal situation will include a clearly defined talent management function and clear roles. You can also look for an early talent rotational program online.

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Step 2 – Establish a relationship

Once you have established who is who, it's time for building relationships and establishing the connections. 

It may be necessary to establish a regular schedule of meetings that is timed around business rhythms such as people review, workforce planning and budgeting. One member of your team may be appointed to drive the agenda and meetings.

Step 3 – Add value – metrics and tracking

You will learn how to build the relationship and determine the metrics and reporting data needed to support it. This will allow you to make better business and talent decisions and incorporate talent management best practices into your mobility process. 

The HRIT systems used by an organization and the ease with which data can be pulled on global employees will determine the complexity of reporting.