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What Is Car Maintenance?

Car maintenance can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks, it can be a breeze. In this article, we’ll outline the most important car repairing tasks you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly, no matter the age or make of your vehicle.

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There are a few key things you should do every month to keep your car running smoothly. Here are the basics.

– Change your oil and filter: This is the most important routine for keeping your car running well. Check your manufacturer's recommendations, but generally, you should change your oil every 5,000 miles and your filter every 3,000 miles.

– Check brakes and tires: Every time you stop in traffic or hit a pothole, your brakes wear down. And over time, they may not stop as well. Inspect them regularly to make sure they're in good shape. And be sure to rotate your tires every year or two to avoid wear and tear.

Here are some other tips for keeping your car running smoothly:

– Change the oil every 3,000 miles or every 3 months if you use synthetic oil. Use high-quality engine oil that meets the manufacturer's specs.

– Check fluid levels regularly in all engines and transmission fluids (drain and refill as necessary). Add only amounts specified by the manufacturer. Overfilling can damage your engine or transmission.

– Inspect lights (including turn signals), brakes, and tires regularly for signs of wear or weakness. If there is something wrong with any of these components, take them in for service right away.